CrownSoft WhatsApp Cloud Filter,You don't need to log in to any account.There is no need to scan the code to log in to WhatsApp, no need to WhatsApp channel number, hash number, our platform to help you quickly screening.
Fast Screening
WhatsApp cloud filter platform screening speed is very fast, can help you screen hundreds of thousands of eligible numbers in a short time.
Multiple filtering rules can be set
From the starting number you set, filter out whether the number is registered with WhatsApp,avatar picture, gender, age, and About language.
Charge according to the qualified quantity
Charging based on the quantity of numbers filtered that meet the criteria, with lower fees for a higher number of filtered numbers.
Cheap unit price
The fee starts at 0.2 crownsoft coin for each eligible number screened.
Export the filtering results to an excel file
Export the numbers that meet the conditions to excel (. xlsx) in the file.
New users can fly tests
For newly registered users, our platform will give away 30 CrownSoft coins for testing.
Product Description
CrownSoft WhatsApp Cloud Filter,there is no need to scan the code to log in to WhatsApp, no need to WhatsApp channel number, hash number, our platform to help you quickly screening.
Set the starting filter number, set the filter criteria, such as whether the number is registered with WhatsApp, whether the number has a avatar picture, age, gender, About language, and platform quickly filter for you.
The fee will be charged according to the actual number of screening, and the unfinished part will not be charged. The fee starts at 0.2crownsoft coin for each eligible number screened.
-Screenshot of software background-
Create a WhatsApp Cloud Filter task,enter task name, enter country code (required), enter starting number, select whether to filter avatars and gender, enter age range to filter, select whether to filter language, choose whether to export avatar images, enter starting count, and automatically generate specified number of data that meets the conditions.
-Filter whatsapp account data download-
After completing the WhatsApp Cloud Filter task, you can download and export the filtered WhatsApp account data in Excel format for viewing.
Germany WhatsApp Data - WhatsApp Gender and Age Data Filter
CrownSoft WhatsApp Cloud Filter,You don't need to log in to any account.There is no need to scan the code to log in to WhatsApp, no need to WhatsApp channel number, hash number, our platform to help you quickly screening.
New Zealand WhatsApp Data Generation - WhatsApp Number List
New Zealand's country code is 64, and the number of mobile phone numbers is 9 digits. We can directly enter the country code and anchor segment in the WhatsApp Cloud Filter system to filter out mobile phone numbers with WhatsApp accounts, WhatsApp account avatars, signature languages, gender, age, etc., and can detect whether the filtered WhatsApp number avatars contain specified items (villas, cars, boats, flowers, animals, etc.).
UK WhatsApp data generation | Global WhatsApp number list
CrownSoft WhatsApp Cloud Filter,You don't need to log in to any account.There is no need to scan the code to log in to WhatsApp, no need to WhatsApp channel number, hash number, our platform to help you quickly screening.
Poland WhatsApp Data - WhatsApp Number Acquisition
if you want to obtain Polish WhatsApp user data, we can directly use the WhatsApp Cloud Filter function, and then directly according to the country of your choice, such as Poland's country code is: +48, and then set the conditions you want to filter, such as filtering avatars, age, gender, personal signature language, etc., and then you can get a valid mobile phone number with a Polish number activated in one click.
Canada WhatsApp Data Buy - WhatsApp Number
To obtain Canadian WhatsApp data, we can use CrownSoft WhatsApp Cloud Filter. CrownSoft WhatsApp Cloud Filter can generate mobile phone numbers of WhatsApp accounts in the region directly based on the country code and number segment without logging into any WhatsApp account, and obtain WhatsApp avatars, age, gender, personal signature language, etc.
WhatsApp England Number Collection-WhatsApp Data Purchase
CrownSoft WhatsApp Cloud Filter can help you filter out hundreds of thousands of eligible numbers in a short time. The fee for each eligible number filtered starts from 0.2 crownsoft coins.