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Facebook Marketing Page Response Rate Response Time

Time:2023-12-19 19:03:34  Source:www.crownsoft007.com

In Facebook Page Management, response rate and response time are important metrics for measuring how well you and other Manage Page users respond to messages. These two metrics reflect the timeliness and consistency of your response to user messages. Here's more information about Facebook Page response rates and response times:

Facebook marketing

Response Rate:

The Response Rate is the percentage of messages responded to by you and other users who manage the Page. It is calculated as follows:

The first message sent by a user of · will be taken into account, provided that you and the user have not sent a message to each other for at least 24 hours in the past.

· Messages received within 30 days prior to the last message counted in the response rate will be included in the overall response rate calculation.

· If the home page receives fewer than 10 messages in this timeframe, the response rate will be based on the last 10 messages received.

· If the home page receives fewer than 10 messages in total, the response rate will be based on all messages received.

Response Time:

The Response Time is the amount of time it takes to let a user know that the Home Page has responded to a message. It is calculated as follows:

· replies to the first message sent by the user will be taken into account, provided that you and the user have not sent a message to each other for at least 24 hours prior to that time.

· Response time is calculated by averaging the homepage's 90% fastest response time to messages received within the 30 days prior to the last message counted in the response rate.

· If the home page receives fewer than 10 messages in this timeframe, the reply time will be based on the last 10 messages.

· If the home page receives fewer than 10 messages in total, the response time will be based on all messages received.

messages included in the calculation:

Messages manually replied to by the · homepage and messages replied to via the API will be included in the homepage's response rate and response time calculations.

Messages not included in calculations:

The following types of messages will not be included in the calculation of the homepage's response rate and response time:

· Instant replies: the first response message sent automatically when the homepage receives a new message.

· Away messages: Users who send messages to the home page will automatically receive an away message when the home page message status is set to "away".

· Messages sent to you by users when you leave your inbox.

· Messages marked as spam or messages you mark as complete.

· Messages that a user replies to within 24 hours of sending a message from the homepage (for example, a group message or a private reply to a comment or recommendation).

Keeping response rates high and response times short will allow users visiting your Page to see a badge for responding very quickly to messages, helping to improve the user experience and build good engagement.

Keywords: Facebook marketing


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