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2024 Raise Your Number Facebook Marketing Software

Time:2023-11-30 19:05:44  Source:www.crownsoft007.com

The term "number maintenance" refers to the normal use of a newly registered account for a period of time to prevent the system from recognizing it as a bot or useless account. Usually, people who need a large number of accounts, such as those engaged in business or promotion, use the strategy of number farming. Why do we need to keep numbers? Because the system may regard these accounts as spam accounts, which may cause damage to the original ecosystem and lead to account blocking.

facebook marketing software,2024 raise number facebook marketing software

The methods of number farming mainly include normal operations such as viewing posts, replying, liking and sharing as a way to prove the authenticity of the user. More advanced methods of number farming include changing avatars, signatures and posting regularly to boost the activity of the account. Replying under professional posts and getting likes and positive comments can likewise increase the weight value of the account.

Though number raising as a whole does not seem to be complicated, it may require a lot of manpower if it involves multiple accounts and there is a risk of getting your account blocked by the system's detection. To solve this problem, a tool called 2024 Number Raising Facebook Marketing Software has been introduced in the market. The software is not only capable of raising numbers, but also has a variety of features that allow you to log in to multiple accounts at the same time for distributed operations to increase weight. In addition, it is also able to automatically capture group chat members to communicate and interact, to meet the diverse needs of marketing.


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