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How to Use Meta (Facebook) Business Manager

Time:2023-11-30 19:08:07  Source:www.crownsoft007.com

Facebook's position in social media cannot be ignored. in 2010, it became the first social platform to reach 500 million monthly active users, and it has remained in the lead ever since. As of 2023, Facebook claims close to 3 billion monthly active users, making it the only social platform to feature an Oscar-winning movie.


These numbers are a testament to how important Facebook is to business owners. The world's most popular social media platform is an ideal starting point for those who want to meet with clients. Proficiency with Meta (Facebook) Business Manager can help you efficiently manage marketing campaigns across multiple brands and coordinate with employees and agency partners. Below is an overview of the Business Manager platform's features and how you can apply them to your e-commerce business.

What is Meta (Facebook) Business Manager?

Meta Business Manager (formerly Facebook Business Manager) is a tool designed to help business owners sell their products through social media assets. This platform is a centralized dashboard for business settings, billing and payments, assets, ad accounts, and permissions. Business owners can use it to control access to pages, coordinate with employees and agency partners, and manage multiple accounts from one location.

Meta Business Manager works in tandem with Meta Business Suite, a comprehensive set of tools for managing platform campaigns, and Meta (Facebook) Ads Manager, an ad campaign management tool.

Key Features of Meta (Facebook) Business Manager

Business Account Management

The Business Manager platform allows owners to separate business and personal accounts. Although you need a personal Facebook profile or Instagram account to sign up for Business Manager, they will not see your personal information when interacting with consumers. Business owners can manage multiple Facebook pages from a single Commerce Management Platform profile, for business owners who manage multiple brands or agencies that work with multiple clients.

Permission Management

The Business Management Platform controls access and editing permissions for your business page and related assets such as ad accounts, Facebook custom audiences, verified domains, and metapixels (redirection cookies). You can use the Business Management Platform to grant or revoke employee access and add agency partners to your account.

Ad Account Management

The Commerce Management Platform allows business owners to manage multiple Facebook ad accounts from a centralized location. You can create ad accounts or connect existing ad accounts to your profile within the Commerce Management Platform. While organizations can use the tool to request access to customer accounts, they cannot create ad content or manage individual campaigns through it.

Asset Management

Using the Commerce Management Platform, you can view all your Facebook assets, such as apps, catalogs, and creative folders, in one place. Managing asset permissions, organizing assets into groups, and connecting or uploading assets to the Business Management Platform all make it easier to find the content you need and ensure that employees or agency partners have the appropriate level of access.

Business Tools Management

The Business Management Platform also allows you to create or connect metapixels, ad accounts, catalogs, or event feed groups. For example, you can create catalogs in the Commerce Management Platform and navigate to the Commerce Management Platform to access advanced features. Or, you can create catalogs in the Commerce Management Platform and then connect them to your Commerce Management Platform account. Linking these tools and assets to your Business Management Platform profile allows you to view business information and manage permissions from your dashboard.


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