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Facebook Marketing Tutorial: 6-step Guide to Take Your Marketing Strategy to the Next Level

Time:2023-05-31 15:34:42  Source:www.crownsoft007.com

As one of the largest social media platforms in the world, facebook has 2.9 billion monthly active users. Many sellers use facebook to find customers. Doing good facebook marketing can bring you thousands of customers. What we have to do is to do a good job in facebook marketing. The following crownsoft will analyze and analyze it for you in detail.

facebook marketing

free facebook marketing strategy:

1. Target group analysis

A social media follower is someone who chooses to see your content in their feed. By cultivating your audience, you will have a group of people ready to engage with future content.

Pay attention to who you want to attract. While having 10,000 Facebook followers might seem like an achievement, it's not great if the people following your page aren't interested in what you're selling. (This is one of the culprits of low conversion rates on social media.)

Before implementing a new Facebook promotion strategy, fully understand your target market - the people who are most likely to buy your product. List their common traits and use that as the basis for what you share through the platform. include:

Demographic data (age, gender, location)


purchase intention

pain point or challenge

goals and motivation

2. Diversified forms of content marketing

According to incomplete statistics, more than 1,500 Facebook posts will appear in the user's dynamics every day. It may be a post with pictures, videos, or pure text. We can choose the marketing that suits your product according to the user's search habits or browsing habits. The form of content attracts users' attention.

3. Choose the right time to post

If you're promoting your business through Facebook, you need to post when your target audience is online. Posting in the middle of the night increases the chances that your followers will be inundated with your content when they check Facebook in the morning. The Facebook algorithm prioritizes fresh content in user feeds.

Research shows that the best time to post on Facebook is Thursday to Sunday at 9am. The best time to post to your own Facebook Page can vary based on the following factors:

Where are your followers? Let's say you start out planning a massive Facebook post every morning at 9am, but you're in North America and your audience is in Australia. If your time is 9am, their time is actually 1am

Whether you sell to businesses (B2B) or consumers (B2C). You'll see a correlation between people's daily lives and the time they spend on Facebook. For example, commuters might use Facebook during their commute and during their lunch break

To find your best posting times, schedule your content and monitor your Facebook Insights at different times of the week. Eventually, you'll start to find high-engagement voids and periods of time that send your content into the Facebook black hole.

4. Comment interaction

According to big data statistics, more than 90% of users will read user reviews before buying a product, especially user reviews that are similar to your product, so we can encourage users to leave their own reviews after purchase, whether it is a product Improvement or being a repeat customer is a good share.

5. Join the facebook group

Almost every hobby you can think of has an online community. More than 1.8 billion Facebook users are active in groups at least once a month, ranging from local community forums to groups for pet owners of specific dog breeds.

Identify Facebook groups for your target market to join by surveying existing customers. You can also search Facebook for your industry and filter by groups:

Once you find a group, start participating in group content to build awareness on Facebook. Be aware, however, that some Facebook group admins have strict rules for the community. Double-check that you are allowed to share promoted content to avoid getting banned.

6. Retarget website visitors

If you’re just starting out with Facebook advertising, people who have interacted with your brand before are easy targets. Educating your ad audience requires next to no work - they already know your business and product exist.

Build Facebook Custom Audiences for:

have visited your website

Have been exposed to your mobile application

watched a video you uploaded to Facebook

have purchased products from you

Make sure you have Facebook pixels set up on these platforms. The pixel will collect information about people who come into contact with your app or website, and then match them with Facebook user profiles.

Even if your business is relatively small, you will likely have a large group of users who fall into this type of custom audience. The vast majority (97%) of people who visit a website leave without buying anything. Being on their Facebook feed can remind them to buy products they were previously interested in.

The above content is from crownsoft, I hope it will be helpful to everyone. If you want to know more about facebook marketing in detail, you can visit crownsoft.


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