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Facebook Raising Numbers with Facebook Marketing Software

Time:2023-12-02 19:01:00  Source:www.crownsoft007.com

Number farming is a means of guarding against the system's ability to detect bots or useless accounts, usually to protect new accounts that come from registration from being used properly for the time after they have been farmed. This practice is mainly used in areas where a large number of accounts are needed, such as those involved in business and promotion, as they need a large number of accounts to advertise and negotiate business.

facebook feed marketing software

So why do we need to keep numbers? The reason is that the system may recognize these accounts as spam accounts and cause damage to the native ecosystem, leading to banning. Therefore, people engaged in publicity and promotion or other purposes usually take the step of raising numbers.

What are the methods of raising numbers? Generally speaking, normal operations are sufficient for the purpose of number farming, such as checking posts posted by others and performing actions such as replying, liking and sharing, which can verify to the system that you are a genuine user.

More advanced methods of number building include changing your avatar, signature, and posting from time to time to boost the activity of your account so that the system recognizes it as an active account. Replying under professional posts and getting a lot of likes and positive comments will also increase the weight value of the account.

Overall, these operations are not difficult, especially for people who only have a few accounts to take care of. However, if a large number of accounts are involved, manpower alone may not be enough, and it is easy to waste time and energy, while increasing the risk of each account being detected and blocked. There is currently a software on the market that solves this problem, namely facebook feed marketing software.

The software can not only realize the function of raising numbers, but also has a variety of other functions, can be automated in the case of simultaneous login multiple accounts to improve the weight, automatically capture the group chat and according to the settings of the communication and interaction. Overall, it seems that this software can meet a variety of needs in marketing. If you have related needs, you may want to learn about this software.


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