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How to Search for Friends by City on Facebook?

Time:2023-08-24 16:03:42  Source:www.crownsoft007.com

Facebook search friends by city is a common way to add friends, it can help us find what we want to know in a specific city or region, help us do marketing promotion, and obtain the intended customer group, the following crownsoft editor will give you details introduce.

Facebook search friends by city

There are two ways to search for friends by city on Facebook:

1. Search for friends according to Facebook's official requirements:

Log in to your Facebook account: Open your browser, visit Facebook's official website, and log in with your username and password.

Using the search bar: At the top of your Facebook page, you will see a search bar. In the search bar, enter the name of the city you want to search for.

Using filters: Once you start typing a city name, Facebook will automatically display some search results that include the city name. On the left side of the search results page, you'll see a list of filter options including "Friends," "Groups," "Pages," and more. Select the "Friends" option to limit search results to your added or potential friends in that city.

Browse the search results: You can browse the search results to view the added friends and other people you may know in the city. Click on the profile link for each search result to see more information about them.

Using advanced search: If you want to further refine your search, you can use Facebook's advanced search feature. Click the "See more results" link to the right of the search bar, then select "See all results" from the menu that pops up. In the upper right corner of the search results page, you will see a "Filter" button, click on it and select "City", then enter the name of the city you want to search for.

2. Search and add friends through the third-party Facebook marketing tool:

CrowSoft Facebook Software is a comprehensive Facebook marketing software with full functionality. The software supports fully automated operations through scripts, allowing for batch management of Facebook accounts for marketing, traffic generation, and customer resource acquisition.

The above content is the content about "How to search for friends by city on Facebook?" shared by the editor of crownsoft. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you want to know more details about facebook marketing, you can visit crownsoft.


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